Information Technology » Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy

Rockport-Fulton Independent School District
Acceptable Use Policy
Please read this document carefully before signing and returning the attached Agreement for Computer and Network Use to your campus technology resource person. Retain this document for your information and reference. Rockport-Fulton Independent School District is providing computers, networks, and Internet access available to students and staff. We are very excited about the opportunities and believe the Internet offers vast, diverse, and unique resources to both students and staff. Our goal in providing this service to RFISD is to promote educational excellence in RFISD schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication.
With access to computers and people all over the world also comes the availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting. On a global network, it is impossible to control all materials, and an industrious user may discover controversial information. RFISD firmly believes that the valuable information and interaction available on this worldwide network far outweigh the possibility that users may procure material that is not consistent with the educational goals of the district.
Internet access is coordinated through a complex association of government agencies, and regional and state networks. In addition, the smooth operation of the network relies upon the proper conduct of the end users who must adhere to strict guidelines. These guidelines are provided here so that you are aware of the responsibilities you are about to acquire. In general, this requires efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of the network resources. If an RFISD user violates any of these provisions, his or her account may be terminated, future access could possibly be denied, and disciplinary action could result. The signature(s) on the agreement at the end of this document is(are) legally binding and indicates the party(parties) who signed has(have) read the terms and conditions carefully and understand(s) their significance.
1. RFISD Network -- Specific Terms and Conditions
1.1 Acceptable Use - The purpose of the network provided by the Rockport-Fulton ISD, which includes access to the Internet, is to support instruction and education for RFISD students and staff. The use of your account must be in support of, and consistent with, the educational objectives of the Aransas County Independent School District. Use of other organizations' networks or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for that network. Transmission of any material in violation of any U.S. or state regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to; copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret. The use of the RFISD network for commercial activities, product advertisement, or political lobbying is not acceptable.
1.2 Privileges - The use of the RFISD network is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges. The school administrators and system administrator(s) will deem what is appropriate use and their decision is final. Also, the school administrators may close an account at any time as required. The administration, faculty, and staff of RFISD may request the technology coordinator to deny, revoke, or suspend specific user accounts and disciplinary action may follow. The users of the network are responsible for respecting and adhering to local, state, federal, and international laws. Any attempt to break those laws through the use of the network may result in litigation against the offender by the proper authorities. If such an event should occur, Aransas County ISD will fully comply with the authorities to provide any information necessary for the litigation process.
1.3 Internet Etiquette - It is essential for each user of the Internet to recognize his/her responsibility in having access to vast services, sites, systems, and people. The user is ultimately responsible for his/her actions in accessing Internet services. The use of the Internet is a privilege, which may be revoked at any time for abusive conduct. Such conduct would include, but is not limited to:
  • the placing of unlawful information on a system
  • pretending to be someone else when sending/receiving messages
  • revealing personal addresses or phone numbers of the user or others
  • the use of obscene, abusive or otherwise objectionable language or pictures in either public or private messages
  • the sending of messages that are likely to result in the loss of recipients' work or systems
  • the sending of "Chain letters"
  • "broadcast" messages to lists or individuals, and any other types of use which would cause congestion of the
  • networks or otherwise interfere with the work of others
  • lobbying or advertising
1.4 Rockport-Fulton ISD makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at your own risk. RFISD specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.
2. Software Policy Statement and Code of Ethics

2.1 RFISD purchases or licenses the use of copies of computer software from a variety of publishers and distributors. The district does not own the copyright to this software or its related documentation and, unless authorized by the software developer, does not have the right to reproduce it for use on more than one computer. RFISD is committed to providing employees, teachers, and students with intellectual property and copyright law information. All RFISD personnel shall receive guidelines and training on copyright law, storage and security of software, and audit procedures for the district.
2.2 With regard to using on local area networks or on multiple machines, RFISD employees, teachers, and students shall use the software only in accordance with the license agreement.
2.3 RFISD employees, teachers, and students learning of any misuse of software or related documentation within the district shall notify the district’s technology coordinator.
2.4 At any time, the district's Technology Support Team may perform a software audit. The result of any violation will be reported to the campus technology coordinator, the campus principal, and the district’s technology coordinator. Appropriate disciplinary action will follow.
2.5 According to U.S. Copyright Law, illegal reproduction of software can be subject to civil damages of as much as $250,000 per work copied, and criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment. District employees, teachers and students who make, acquire, or use unauthorized copies of computer software shall be disciplined as appropriate under the circumstances. RFISD does not condone the illegal duplication of software.
3. General Computing

The following policy for acceptable use of computers and networks, including the Internet, shall apply to all District administrators, faculty, staff, and students. All technology equipment shall be used under the supervision of the system administrator(s).
3.1 The individual in whose name a system account is issued will be responsible at all times for its proper use.
3.2 Users shall not erase, rename, or make unusable anyone else’s computer files, programs, or disks.
3.3 Users shall not let other persons use their name, login, password, or files for any reason (except for authorized staff members).
3.4 Users shall not use or try to discover another user’s password.
3.5 Users shall not use RFISD computers or networks for any non-instructional or non-administrative purpose.
3.6 Users shall not use a computer for unlawful purposes, such as the illegal copying or installation of software.
3.7 Users shall not copy, change or transfer any software or documentation provided by RFISD, teachers, or another student without permission from the Campus Technology Contact.
3.8 Users shall not write, produce, generate, copy, propagate, or attempt to introduce any computer code designed to self-replicate, damage, or otherwise hinder the performance of any computer’s memory, file system, or software. Such software is often called a bug, virus, worm, Trojan Horse, or similar name.
3.9 Users shall not deliberately use the computer to annoy or harass others with language, images, or threats. Users shall not deliberately access or create any obscene or objectionable information, language, or images.
3.10 Users shall not intentionally damage the system, damage information belonging to others, misuse system resources, or allow others to misuse system resources.
3.11 The user of RFISD computer resources may not use or install on RFISD computers or networks any foreign computer software, disks, or hardware, without first submitting the same to RFISD authorities for virus scanning, and obtaining authorization. "Foreign" computer software, disks, or hardware includes any computer software, disks, or hardware which: (1) have not been provided by RFISD, (2) have been removed from RFISD premises, or (3) have been used on RFISD premises in or in connection with any computer software, hardware or disks not provided by RFISD.
3.12 Users shall not tamper with computers, networks, printers, or other associated equipment except as directed by the teacher or Campus Technology Contact.
3.13 Users must abide by existing Federal and State laws in force regarding electronic communication. This includes accessing information without authorization, giving passwords out, or causing a system to malfunction. These laws carry penalties of up to 20 years in prison.