2022 Bond » 2022 Bond

2022 Bond

Thank you to the voters of Rockoprt-Fulton ISD for supporting the 2022 bond. We sincerely thank our 45 Bond Advisory Committee members who helped us configure and create a plan that would address the district's most pressing needs and garner voter approval. We recognize that the 2022 bond is an investment in the future that will serve the students and the community for many years. On behalf of the students, parents, staff, and board of trustees, I thank you for your support and commitment to our schools.


RFISD Bond Project Timeline


Predesign: Pre-design is the phase of analysis that occurs after some form of funding is available and before design begins. During the pre-design phase, studies are done to analyze space requirement issues, the constraints and opportunities of the proposed site, and the cost versus the budget.
Geotech Report and Survey: A report consisting of the existing soil conditions (based on the collection of physical samples) and recommendations by engineers specializing in soils.
RFISD Bond - Geotech Report and Survey
Schematic Design: The second phase on a design/construction project in which diagrammatic site and floor plans showing the sizes and locations of the various elements, as well as basic perspective renderings, are produced.
RFISD Bond - Schematic Design
Design Development: The third phase of a design/construction project in which further developed/detailed site and floor plans, more developed/detailed perspectives, as well as basic outline specifications, are created.
RFISD Bond - Design Development
Construction Documents: The fourth phase of a design/construction project in which the bid documents (detailed plans and specifications) are produced (which allow a general contractor to establish a price and schedule for the work described).
RFISD Bond - Construction Documents
Bidding Negotiations: The fifth phase of a design/construction project in which the general contractor(s) and subcontractors study the bid documents (scope of work) and determine the price and schedule for performing the work described.
RFISD Bond - Bidding Negotiations
Demolition Existing High School Buildings: Removing the existing buildings from the construction site.
RFISD Bond - Demolition Existing HS Buildings
District Move-In to New Additions: The date the district moves their furniture, equipment and personnel into the project.
RFISD Bond - District Move-In to New Additions
Construction HS Site Work | Renovations: The initial site work construction phase intended for the high school project involves grading, paving, and utility work needed for the following phases of construction.
RFISD Bond - Construction HS Site Work | Renovations
Baseball and Softball Construction: The construction of the elements of the baseball and softball field.  There are several portions to this aspect of the bond work. Claycomb Associates and Teal Construction are only producing one concession stand at each complex at this time.
RFISD Bond - Baseball and Softball Construction