Gifted and Talented » GT Identification Process

GT Identification Process

A student may be referred for the gifted and talented program by anyone familiar with the student's abilities, including parents, teachers, peers, community members or self.
No student is discriminated against in the identification process because of sex, race, creed, ethnic origin, religious preference, or disabilities. Documentation of all recommendations is on file with the campus G/T contact person. Copies of the documentation are sent to the RFISD Curriculum Department.
All Kinder and First-grade students are universally screened; therefore, no referral forms are needed at these grade levels. Students who go on to be tested after all screening is conducted will need parent permission for testing. Parents will be notified.

All referred students are given consideration in the screening procedures. The Campus Selection Committee reviews a variety of data for each recommended student. Students having clear indications of potential to excel in general intellectual ability in academic areas are selected for testing. A “Permission to Test” form is sent to the parent/guardian of each student selected for testing.

Rockport-Fulton ISD follows the Texas State Plan for the Gifted and Talented by using a minimum of three identification criteria at kindergarten and a minimum of three identification criteria that include both qualitative and quantitative measures at 1-12.
Tests may show excellence in these areas: general intellectual (mental) ability, reasoning ability, language arts/social studies ability, and mathematics/science ability. Students who have special needs such as learning disabilities or other handicaps shall be assessed in an appropriate manner. The ARD committee will provide consultation.

Testing and screening data is collected and recorded on a Score Distribution Form. The selection committee reviews the data and determines the student's qualifications. Notification to enter the program is sent to the parent/guardian of selected students. An affirmative reply will constitute enrollment and initiate services for that student in the gifted and talented program.
Identification questions should be emailed to [email protected]