Skyward Information » Skyward Abbreviations

Skyward Abbreviations

Report Card Terms
We have 12 grading terms in our year. Some of these terms are called Progress Report terms (PR) , some are called Nine Weeks Cycles/Averages/Terms (C). Skyward calls them Terms or Cycles. Parents are used to them being called averages.
Long Form Example Time Covered Notes
PR Progress Report Term PR4 - Progress Report 4 3 weeks There are 8 Progress Report terms
in a school year.
C Cycle C2 - Cycle 2 or 2nd 9 weeks 9 weeks There are 4 Cycles in a school year.
S Semester S1 - Semester one Average 18 weeks There are 2 Semesters in a school year.
FA3 Final Year Average FA3 - Final Average 36 weeks  S1 (Semester 1) and S2 (Semester 2)
are added together and divided by two
In our School Year, we have 8 Progress Reporting Terms (PR) that each represent three weeks of grades. We have 4 Cycles or Terms called Nine Weeks Averages = (C1, C2, C3, C4). As part of or the result of some of these terms put together, we have 2 Semesters that Represent averages of these terms = S1 and S2; and then we have a Final Average (FA3) for each course students take at the end of the year. Each year long course is divided into two semesters. PR's just show work in progress for the students that lead to their Nine Weeks Average. See below:
  • PR1 & PR2 terms report a student's progress leading up to Cycle 1 (C1). Cycle 1 is The First Nine Weeks Average or Term
  • PR 3 & PR4 terms report a student's progress leading up to Cycle 2 (C2). Cycle 2 is The Second Nine Weeks Average/Term
  • C1 and C2 (First and Second Nine Weeks Averages) will be added together and divided by two to get a student's First Semester Average = S1
  • PR5 & PR6 terms report a student's progress leading up to Cycle 3 (C3) - The Third Nine Weeks Average
  • PR7 & PR8 terms report a student's progress leading up to Cycle 4 (C4) = The Fourth Nine Weeks Average
  • C3 & C4 (The Third and Fourth Nine Weeks Averages) are added together and divided by two to get a student's Second Semester Average = S2
At the end of the year, S1 (Semester 1) and S2 (Semester 2) are added together and divided by two to get a Final Year Average for each of the Year Long classes that students take = FA3